Sunday, January 5, 2014

Top 10 Most Anticipated of 2014

We were gonna do separate lists but we're all really busy. So instead we have created a list that we have agreed on. Before getting into the list, I'll tell you this beforehand we're a bunch of comic book nerds. A lot of the films are indeed comic book films but not the entire list, check out to see what 2014 has in store.

10. How To Train Your Dragon 2

My co-writers seem to be really excited for this. I've only seen the first once and i did indeed enjoy it. I just don't see the craze about it. Either way we will see when it comes out later this year, i'm sure it'll be just as fun though. I do enjoy the fact that an animated film took the time to age their characters appropriately, Hiccup still looks like Hiccup but you can tell he's not the same little kid from the first film.  

Release Date: June 13th

9. The Amazing Spiderman 2

I personally very much enjoyed the first Amazing Spiderman film. I thought Andrew Garfield was great as Peter Parker and his chemistry with Emma Stone was fantastic. So i'm glad to see them both coming back for this new film. I think this film would have been higher on the list, but with the inclusion of Rhino, green Goblin and Electro as villains everyone is hoping we don't get another Spiderman 3. Here's to hoping.

Release Date: May 2nd

8. The Lego Movie

It's a LEGO movie, that's all that needs to be said. Any kid and any kid at heart wants to see this. Obviously it already has appeal but with the inclusion of directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who've previously directed Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and 21 Jump Street, it's sure to be a fun adventure. 

Release Date: February 7th

7. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

it's been almost ten years since the original Sin City film came out. Which means we've been hearing about this sequel ever since that came out. every year we kept hearing 'news' and rumors about this film. Now we finally have a release date and a bunch of new black and white faces to enjoy. As dark and dirty and violent as it is we all can't wait to visit Basin City once again. 

Release Date: August 22nd

6. Interstellar

Like many of his films before they are released not much is known about this film but the fact that Chris Nolan is making a film that's not Batman related is always a good sign. Not saying I didn't love his Batman trilogy, which i did.  i'm just saying his other films: Following, Memento, The Prestige and Inception are just as amazing and always keep you on your toes while watching. I'd list the cast to this film but it's just too many great names to write. 

Release Date: November 7th

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Now I've never read this particular story but that doesn't mean I'm not excited for this film. With new directors at the helm. brothers Anthony and Joe Russo seem to be bringing their own vision to this film like director Joe Johnston brought to the first film. They've mostly done t.v. but looking at the trailer for this film you wouldn't believe it. from the trailer alone I'm really excited for the elevator fight scene that i hope lasts longer than it did in the trailer. With new cast members Anthony Mackie and Robert Redford joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, everyone seems to want to get into comic films  and so  do we.

Release Date: April 4th 

4. X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Hey look another comic film, but certainly not the last on this list. This film is obviously on the list for a reason. Not only is it the return of X-men and X2 director Bryan Singer but it also combines the cast from the original films with that of Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class in a time travel story based on Chris Claremont's (famous comic writer) story originally published back in 1981. The trailer for the film made it look epic and i hope it is. 

Release Date: May 23rd

3. 22 Jump Street

I don't think anyone expected the first film to be as great as it was. Jonah Hill was hilarious as he usually is but the most unexpected turn was that of Channing Tatum. He and Hill had great chemistry which I'm sure will be back. I'm looking forward to the return of Ice Cube as Captain Dickson who I think stole every scene he was in in the first. This time the guys are in college which just means things can only get crazier from there. 

P.S. Did I mention that this is directed by the same guys as the Lego movie, you wouldn't believe it if you were reading, which you are. 

Release Date: June 13th

2. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Probably the last comic you thought to get made into a live action film and probably the last movie you'd think to be this most anticipated. The cast is incredible, the team itself is pretty good with Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt, and Dave Baustista in the live action roles and Vin Diesel (voicing the humanoid tree Groot) and Bradley Cooper (taking on the role of rocket Raccoon, yes a talking space raccoon), you'd think that'd be enough. But the cast also includes Michael Rooker, Benicio Del Toro, Glenn Close, Lee Pace, John C. Reiley, and Djimon Hounsou. I could keep going but do i need to? But the real reason I'm excited for this is because of director James Gunn whos previous works include, Super and Slither (a fun scifi, horror, comedy film) always seems so giddy when he talks about this film.

Release Date: August 1st 

1. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

The Planet of the Apes series is a sci-fi essential. Sure Tim Burton's film was pretty crappy, but it did have some good qualities. But the return to greatness was with rupert Wyatt's 2011 film Rise of the Planet of the Apes, the direction was good but the story was better and Andy Serkis's performance as Caesar the leader of the ape revolution was breathtaking considering it was motion capture. But then again Serkis also helped bring Gollum and King Kong to life. With the newest film being set 4 years after the last film the apes and humans have been at war and we see Caesar in avery different place than the 2011 film. I can't wait to see what happens next.   

Release Date: July 11th

Honorable Mentions: Kevin Smith's horror film Tusk, the remake of Robocop, the first part of the Hunger Games finale Mockinjay Part 1, David Fincher's newest film Gone Girl. A couple of us are excited for Gareth Edward's Godzilla, as well as the Daniel Radcliffe starrer HORNS.


  1. What about Nolan's right hand cinematographer's 2014 flick, Transcendence. I mean yeah this is Pfister's first time directing, but all that time serving under Nolan has to trigger some sort of anticipation. And with Depp, Freeman, and Bettany in the cast. . . . . Just saying, it might need to be in there somewhere friends. Maybe taking the place of 22 jump street? Afterall, how often has a a sequel to a movie such as the original was, been successful? Other movies to possibly consider: Transformers: Age of Extinction; I, Frankenstein; The Hobbit.

  2. Transcendence and Hobbit are on my personal Top 10 list
